You really should delete your DNA from 23andMe today. Here’s how.

The bankruptcy of 23andMe has put the DNA data of current and former customers at risk.

March 24, 2025 — The ancestry testing company 23andMe filed for bankruptcy on Sunday. That means its vast trove of DNA data is now up for sale to the highest bidder.

If you ever sent a swab to 23andMe for testing, you should take a minute today to delete your information. Any privacy guarantees the company gave you will soon be effectively extinguished. Whoever buys the company also buys your DNA data.

That is a serious risk. The company’s precarious situation prompted California Attorney General Rob Bonta to issue an unusual privacy consumer alert about it late last week.

In the age of AI, your DNA data can be used now or in the future in ways that could cause you and your family members profound harm. The most obvious concern is the misuse of your DNA by health insurers, who could refuse you or your family members coverage based on markers in your data. There will undoubtedly be future uses that we haven’t even considered yet.

How to delete your dna data from 23andme

Here’s the easiest way to do it:

  • Log into your 23andMe account.

  • Go to your Profile and select Settings.

  • Scroll to the “23andMe Data” section at the bottom of the page and click View.

  • Scroll to the “Delete Data” section and click Permanently Delete Data.

  • Confirm your request. You should receive an email from 23andMe. Click the link in the email to confirm your decision.

keep your data your data

As AI technology advances at a breakneck pace, your personal data has acquired greater and greater value. At TCAI, we urge you to take commonsense precautions and make informed choices about when and how you choose to share your data.

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