Transparency Coalition applauds bipartisan ‘PREPARED for AI Act’ introduced today in Congress

Transparency Coalition Chairman Rob Eleveld expressed firm support this afternoon for the proposed PREPARED for AI Act introduced in Congress earlier today by Sen. Gary Peters (D-MI) and Sen. Thom Tillis (R-NC).

“The PREPARED for Al Act deftly addresses the need for transparency around inputs, protecting data privacy while encouraging innovation, growth, and competition within this rapidly emerging industry,” Eleveld said.

The bipartisan Promoting Responsible Evaluation and Procurement to Advance Readiness for Enterprise-wide Deployment (PREPARED) for AI Act, if passed, would guide the federal government’s activities, personnel and processes to effectively and responsibly procure and use AI. 

bill requires data ownership reporting

The bill requires agencies to classify the risk levels of their AI uses, with a focus on protecting the public’s rights and safety. The bill would require government contracts for AI capabilities to include safety and security terms for data ownership, civil rights, civil liberties and privacy, adverse incident reporting and other key areas. It also calls on agencies to identify, test, and monitor potential risks before, during, and after they buy these tools—including through ongoing testing and evaluation to mitigate potential risks.

The bill also requires agencies to establish AI governance structures, including through Chief AI Officers, to lead and coordinate procurement efforts. The legislation would also establish pilot programs to streamline how agencies are able to purchase AI and other commercial technology—bolstering innovative adoption. Finally, the bill includes key provisions to encourage transparency of the government’s use of AI systems through public disclosures and reporting. 

‘clear guidelines for federal agencies’

“Artificial intelligence has the power to reshape how the federal government provides services to the American people for the better, but if left unchecked, it can pose serious risks,” said Sen. Peters. “These guardrails will help guide federal agencies’ responsible adoption and use of AI tools, and ensure that systems paid for by taxpayers are being used safely and securely.” 

“As the role of artificial intelligence in the public and private sectors continues to grow, it is crucial federal agencies have a robust framework for procuring and implementing AI safely and effectively,” said Sen. Tillis. “This legislation mandates clear guidelines for federal agencies and provides them with the tools to successfully navigate future advancements in artificial intelligence.” 

The PREPARED For AI Act is supported by the Transparency Coalition, the Center for Democracy and Technology, the AI Procurement Lab and the Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers (IEEE-USA).

Read a one-page summary of the PREPARED for AI Act here. The full bill is available here.


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